Variables and constants
When in doubt on variable type: just use i32
for everything! i32
is the default in Rust, and the fastest, even on x64 architecture.
Scalar Types
Unsigned | Signed |
u8 | i8 |
u16 | i16 |
u32 | i32 |
u64 | i64 |
u128 | i128 |
usize | isize |
Floating point vars: f32, f64. |
You can declare number variables with _
sign in any place for convenience:
let x: i32 = 1_000_000;
let (mut missiles: i32, ready: u32) = (8, 5); // 2 vars tuple assign in 1 line
You can also add the var type to the number (convenient with _
when using generics):
let x = 1000_u32;
let y = 3.14_f32;
let n_str = "123456789".to_string();
let n_int = n_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
let letter = 'a';
println!("{}", letter as u32 - 96); // = 97-96 = 1
let i = 97u8; // только с u8 разрешено делать 'as char'
println!("Value: {}", i as char);
Boolean type
bool type can be true
or false
. Non-integer - do NOT try to use arithmetic on these. But you can cast them:
true as u8;
false as u8;
By default, variables in Rust are immutable. To make a variable mutable, special “mut” identifier must be placed. Rust compiler may infer the variable type from the type of value.
let x = 5; // immutable variable, type i32 guessed by Rust as default for numbers.
let mut x = 5; // mutable variable
Variable names can be reused. This is not mutability, because shadowing always re-creates the variable from scratch. Previous variable value may be used:
let x = 5;
let x = x + 1; // new variable created with value = 6
Constant values are always immutable and available in the scope they were created in throughout the whole program. Type of constant must always be defined. Constants may contain results of operations. They are evaluated by Rust compiler. List of evaluations:
const ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS: u32 = 24 * 60 * 60; // type u32 MUST be defined
let phrase = "Hello World";
println!("Before: {phrase}"); // Before: Hello World
let phrase = phrase.len();
println!("After: {phrase}"); // After: 11
Compound variables
Compound type, immutable, consists of different types.
let tup: (u32, f32, i32) = (10, 1.2, -32);
let (x,y,z) = tup; // tuple deconstructing into variables
let a1 = tup.0;
let a2 = tup.1; // another way to deconstruct values
Deconstructing tuples is very useful when a function returns a tuple:
let (left, right) = slice.split_at(middle);
let (_, right) = slice.split_at(middle); // use '_' to throw away part of return
Compound type, mutable, all values of the same type.
let ar: [i32;5] = [1,2,3,4,5];
// array data is allocated on the stack rather than the heap
// [i32;5] - type of values and number of elements
let first = ar[0];
let second = ar[1]; // accessing array elements